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Terms and Conditions

XTRACARS is a registered trademark of GUERIN RENT-CAR (DOIS), LDA (hereinafter referred to as GUERIN).

General rental terms and conditions are the same as GUERIN and are available at XTRACARS/GUERIN stations.


GUERIN Rent-a-Car (Dois) Lda, (hereinafter referred to as Guerin) rents to the Customer through a Rental Contract of which the General Conditions are an integral part, the motor vehicle described in the present contract (hereinafter referred as the Car), according to the terms set out on the first page, the rental being subject to the terms and conditions described below.

This document contains the terms of the rental contract signed between Guerin and the Customer, so that the Customer must ensure that he has full knowledge of the contract and agree with the following terms:


1.1 The Customer declares and acknowledges that the Car is rented in good working order and without any apparent defects over and above those described in the "Estado da Viatura”, which is an integral part of this contract and which here it is considered to be fully reproduced for all purposes.

1.2 The Customer acknowledges that it is his obligation to return the Car in the same conditions as it was delivered, with the respective documents, spare parts, accessories and equipment, which are delivered to him on the present date.

1.3 The Car must be returned to the same Guerin representative who proceeded with its delivery, unless the contract stipulates otherwise.


2.1 The Customer must ensure the conservation of the Car’s condition and use the necessary safety devices of the car, guaranteeing prudent and adequate use, always ensuring that it will be locked and in a safe place when not being used.

2.2 The Customer must refill the car with the appropriate.

2.3 The Customer may not use or allow the use of the car under the following circumstances:

a) To commercial transport of goods or passengers;

b) To transport of goods, even if free of charge, in violation of any legal provision;

c) To tow and / or push any vehicle, trailer or other object;

d) To participate in sports events;

e) If the driver is under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other substance that, directly or indirectly, reduces his perception and ability to react;

f) In violation of any traffic rules;

g) Any person other than the authorized driver under the terms of this Contract, or, even if he is not, does not fulfill the minimum requirements required by Guerin for the rental, regarding the age and validity of the Driving License, in which case the Customer will be directly responsible to Guerin and shall indemnify the latter under legal and contractual terms;

h) Outside Portuguese territory, without prior authorization from GUERIN.

2.4 - The Driver is forbidden to smoke inside the Car, and the evidence of such conduct implies the payment by the Client of the respective penalty (provided for in the price list).


3.1 Over and above the terms of the present Contract, the Customer has the following additional obligations:

a) Make the payment of the Car Rental in accordance with the rates agreed, regarding additional costs of airport tax, road tax, national and international deliveries and collections, young driver and the options described in the Rental Contract that will be subscribed by the Customer.

b) Take full responsibility and Support of:                                                                                          

I) The cost of the Car refueling service, including missing fuel, if the Car is returned with a smaller amount of fuel compared to that described in the "Estado da Viatura” document;

II) The costs bear by Guerin due to the removal of inappropriate fuel in the Car as well as the eventual repair for the damages caused with inadequate refueling;

III) The costs of issuing the Car documentation, in case of stolen or loss by the Customer;

IV) Taxes applicable in accordance with the Legislation, throughout the term of this Agreement;

V) The costs of replacing damaged tires resulting from abnormal use of the Car or as a result of accidental punctures;

VI) The eventual penalty resulting from the violation of the smoking forbiddance inside the Car;

VII) The possible penalty for the use of the Car outside Portuguese territory, without prior authorization from GUERIN;

VIII) The cost of the delivery service of the Car at another Guerin representative than the conclusion of the rental contract;


IX) The Accident management fee, corresponding to the administrative costs arising from the management of accidents, as well as the costs of stopping the Car during the damage repair period, which are due for each accident that occurred, except in cases where it is included in the rental rate provided and in cases where the damages are not the result of the Customer's fault or negligence, or when the amount of the damage is lower than the amount fixed for the Fee;

X) The possible compensation for the damage caused by early termination based on rental period, according to the tariffs in force and the products chosen by the Customer;

XI) All expenses, fines or other charges for the immobilization of the Car, when it is apprehended by police authorities as a result of any unlawful acts whose responsibility is attributed to the Customer, including the illegal transportation of goods;

XII) All fines, judicial or extrajudicial expenses, penalties for traffic violations or violations of the law attributed to the Car or to the Customer, plus the administrative costs for the identification to the authorities, during the term of the present Rental Agreement, unless it were due to actions taken or oversight by Guerin;

XIII) All expenses, including legal fees and lawyers' fees under contract to obtain payment of any amount that, under this Agreement, is due by the Client.

3.2 In addition to the provisions of 3.1 above, the Customer will be liable to Guerin, after claiming it, for costs and losses, including but not limited to repair costs, depreciation, lost profits, towing costs and vehicle collection:

a) for all the damages caused to the Car during the term of the Rental, with the exception of that damage specifically mentioned and described in the "Estado da Viatura” document;

b) for robbery, theft, or loss of the Car.

3.3 Without prejudice to the terms of the following paragraph, the Customer’s liability for the occurrence and repair of any damages will be limited to the maximum amount of the excess, calculated in accordance with the prices in place at the beginning of the Rental, not including towing and vehicle collection, which are the full responsibility of the Customer.

3.4 The Customer may limit his liability to Guerin by subscribing to the following options:

a) CDW - The Client's liability arising from the damage caused to the vehicle, under the terms of paragraph a) of number 3.2, is limited to the minimum deductible amount, calculated according to the current price list at the beginning of the Rental, except in cases of damage to windows, at the bottom or top of the car without collision, on the wheels, tires, windshields and interiors, caused by vandalism;

b) TW - The Client's liability, arising from robbery, theft or loss of the Car, under the terms of paragraph b) of number 3.2, will be limited to the minimum amount of the deductible, calculated in accordance with the current price list at the beginning of the rental, except in cases where the Customer does not officially present the case to the competent authorities and does not proceed to hand over the original vehicle key to GUERIN;

c) SUPER CAR RENTAL PROTECTION - The Customer will not be liable for damages protected by the CDW and TW, except in cases of damage caused to windows, wheels and tires, optics and headlights, rear view mirrors as well as damage caused to the bottom and top of the body and inside the car.


d) WINDOW PROTECTION - The Customer will not be liable for damage to glasses, rear view mirrors, headlights and optics;

e) WHEELS AND WINDOW PROTECTION – The Customer will not be liable for damage to windows, tires and wheels, rear view mirrors, headlights and optics;

f) EXCESS REDUCTION - The Customer's liability for the payment of the minimum deductible is reduced, depending on the current price list;

g) ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE TOP – The Customer will not be liable for towing and on-site assistance, in the event of loss or forgetting of the key inside the car, immobilization of the vehicle due to lack of battery, replacement or lack of fuel, by flat tire, by accident whose responsibility is attributed to the Driver, such assistance service being provided on site after the Client's request and GUERIN's diagnosis.

3.5 The liability limitations provided in the preceding paragraphs will not be effective, even if the Customer has subscribed to the options described, whenever there is a violation of the rules for the use of the Car, of a willful or negligent conduct, non-compliance with the traffic rules or in situations generating liability when the Car is not driven by the Customer or an Authorized Driver.


4.1 The minimum driving age for this Agreement will be 21 years and driving license for over a year, except for off-road vehicles and Luxury vehicles for which the minimum driving age will be 25 years.

4.2 Guerin may authorize, at its own discretion, to the drivers of the Car, people under the age mentioned in the previous number, but over 18 years old, an option called "young driver”, which implies the payment of a supplementary fee according to the current price list at the rental start date.

4.3 Guerin may refuse to rent a car to customers who do not provide guarantees of the fulfillment of the obligations provided for in the rental contract, considering, as such, presenting a valid credit card (not virtual credit card).

4.4 Guerin may also refuse to rent a car to customers and/or drivers identified as non-compliant by ARAC - Association of Driverless Car Rental Industries ("ARAC”)


5.1 The Customer declares that he knows that the minimum rental period for the Car will be 1 day, consisting of 1 day, for the purposes of this Agreement, within a period of 24 hours from the beginning of the rental and that the calculation of the total value of the Rental will be based on the right number of days during which the Automobile was in the Client's possession, depending on the applicable rental price and other contracted products, under the terms of this contract.

5.2 Under the terms of this clause, the credit card presented by the Customer, at the date of the beginning of the rental contract, will be debited the amounts due for the rental (price) and other additional products and services contracted, for the repair of damages caused in the Car, for the deductible that is due, for the costs of administrative services, for the fees and other costs of using the via-verde service, as well as for the missing fuel in the Car at the date of delivery.

5.3 For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the Customer presents a valid credit card, through which it authorizes GUERIN to proceed with the execution of the payment orders necessary for this purpose, declaring the Customer his express agreement, and GUERIN will proceed to store the necessary payment information securely following all PCI security rules, in the case of subsequent and/or additional charges.

5.4 Any complaint from the Customer regarding the existence or quantification of its charges must be submitted and communicated to Guerin by the 30th day after receipt by the Customer of the final account statement.


6.1 Guerin may, at its sole discretion, at any time and at the expenses of the Customer, terminate this Agreement and recover possession of the Car, whenever the Customer fails to comply with contract or any other Rental Agreement previously entered into.

6.2 In the event of non-compliance with the Contract due to the Customer’s failure to pay, Guerin will communicate this information to ARAC - Association of Industrial Car Rental Drivers ("ARAC”), for the purpose of identifying the same as a defaulting customer.


7.1 Upon subscribing to this service, Guerin provides the Customer with a Via Verde identifier belonging to Guerin, installed on the vehicle's windshield, which Customer is liable for paying in full the amount of all toll fees charged for the use of the car during the rental.

7.2 For the purposes of payment, the Customer must provide a valid credit card, ensuring in the corresponding bank account a sufficient balance to cover the amounts due, the debiting of which may occur after the detection of the use of road infrastructure, which the Customer must accept the debts incurred after the end of the Rental Agreement.

7.3 Under the terms of the previous number, if it is impossible to collect by GUERIN the amounts due for toll fees, GUERIN will inform the concessionaires and / or competent authorities of the impossibility of payment, and these authorities will be liable for the coercive collection of such amounts and other associated costs.

7.4 The Customer is also liable for the correct functioning and the preservation, in perfect conditions, of the Via Verde Identifier, and under no circumstances can remove the equipment from the place where it is installed, and in case of anomaly the Customer shall require to replace it at a Guerin location by its staff.

7.5 Failure to subscribe to this service implies the Customer’s liability for the usage of the toll gateways, under the terms defined by Law No. 25/2006 of 30 June, as amended.


8.1 The Customer or the drivers authorized by Guerin are participants in a civil liability insurance policy which covers the risk of personal or material damage caused to third parties up to the capital limit of € 50,000,000 (fifty million Euros), which is governed by Portuguese law and is an integral part of this contract and is available for consultation at Guerin locations.

8.2 The Customer may take out a personal accident insurance (PAI), which guarantees, in the event of an accident, the payment of medical expenses up to a maximum of 1,500.00 Euros and compensation for death or permanent disability up to a maximum of 15,000, 00 Euros per occupant (up to the maximum capacity of the vehicle).


9.1 The Customer must inform the competent authority of theft or robbery of the car within 24 hours after the respective occurrence, as well as inform Guerin of such occurrence and visit the Guerin representative in person to deliver the original car key and the official declaration issued by the competent authorities.

9.2 The Customer undertakes to cooperating with Guerin and its insurers in any subsequent investigation or legal proceeding related to any of the events provided for in 9.1.

9.3 In the event of an accident, the Customer undertakes to reporting the occurrence to the police, to complete the accident report, assuming the veracity of the facts occurred and to sign the accident report at the nearest Guerin representative within 24 hours .

9.4 The violation of the aforementioned obligations determines the Customer’s liability  for all costs of repairing damages resulting from an accident, or for the maximum deductible, in case of theft or robbery.

9.5 In the event of an accident, Guerin will not be liable for bodily or material damage caused to the Client or passengers.


Guerin will not be liable to the Customer and/or the Authorized Driver and/or the passenger for the loss or material damage caused to personal property left in the Car, either during the term of this Agreement, or after its expiration date.


11.1 With exception of mandatory legal provisions in matters of territorial jurisdiction, the parties agree to establish as competent the jurisdiction of the Court of Lisbon, with express waiver of any other to settle any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement.

11.2 In the event of a consumer dispute, defined under the terms of Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, the Client may use the Arbitration Center of the List of Centers available on the page of the Direção Geral do Consumidor at

11.3 Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, the Customer may submit its Complaint to Guerin, in the Physical Complaints Book available at its Locations, or through the Electronic Complaints Book, available at


1.            GUERIN, acting as an independent data controller, may use Customer’s personal data (and the personal data of any Authorised Driver) collected in connection with this rental agreement or any related agreement or service ("Customer Personal Data”), and disclose it, for the following purposes:

  • process Customer Personal Data to manage the rental and the commercial relationship, communicate with the Customer about or assist with the rental;
  • verify personal, driving and credit information (including Customer Personal Data) provided by the Customer and any additional Authorised Driver through credit agencies or other sources.
  • for the purpose of marketing, though e-mail communication about news, new offers, campaigns, vehicles and services, on the basis of the legitimate interest pursued by GUERIN and of the interest of the Customer or the Authorised Driver.
  • for the purpose of marketing, through communication by telephone, sms (or other ways of communication different of e-mail) about news, new offers, campaigns, vehicles and services, when the Customer or the Authorised Driver has given express consent.
  • If the Customer or the Authorised Driver gives express consent, GUERIN will analyze the Customer or the Authorised Driver’s profile to customize and improve a Customer experience.
  • to conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys, until the Client or Authorised Driver chooses not to receive them.
  • store Customer Personal Data that relates to any incident arising from the Customer’s dealings or an additional Authorised Driver's dealings with Guerin if it thinks that, as a result of such incident, the Customer or an additional Authorised Driver could be a risk for future rentals. In this case the data may also be communicated to ARAC for inclusion in a database of non-compliant clients.
  • to fulfill other legal obligations as well to transmit to debt collectors companies, in case of breach of contract. 
  • to transmit personal data to subsidiaries of GUERIN’s Group (subsidiaries of Salvador Caetano Auto, S.G.P.S., S.A.) and to send communications by telephone, sms, e-mail or others ways, about mobility products or services, if Customer or Authorised Driver has given their express consent.

2. Guerin will disclose Customer Personal Data to (i) EAN Data Services UK Ltd., (ii) Enterprise Holdings, Inc. and/or any of relevant subsidiaries (for details please see EHI’s Privacy Policy at (together "EHI”), all acting as independent data controllers. Customer Personal Data will be shared for the following purposes:

  • process Customer Personal Data to manage the rental and the commercial relationship, communicate with the Customer about or assist with his rental. EHI processes Customer Personal Data for this purpose on the basis of (i) contractual necessity (e.g. billing) or (ii) its legitimate interests in ensuring the effective delivery of the requested services, when these interests are not overridden by the Customer’s – and any applicable additional Authorised Drivers’ – data protection rights;
  • store Customer Personal Data that relates to any incident arising from the Customer’s dealings or an additional Authorised Driver's dealings with EHI if it thinks that, as a result of such incident, the Customer or an additional Authorised Driver could be a risk for future rentals. EHI processes Customer Personal Data for this purpose on the basis of its legitimate interests in protecting its employees, other customers, the public and its property from safety or financial risks based on past customer conduct, when these interests are not overridden by the Customer’s – and any applicable additional Authorised Drivers’ – data protection rights;
  • process Customer Personal Data in order to carry out phone customer satisfaction surveys. EHI processes Customer Personal Data for this purpose on the basis of its legitimate interests in ensuring customer satisfaction of the services which it provides, when these interests are not overridden by the Customer’s – and any applicable additional Authorised Drivers’ – data protection rights;
  • send the Customer marketing communications (for instance by post or electronic communications) about similar products or services which EHI thinks may be of interest to him. This can include the provision of targeted advertising on EHI sites, selected partner sites and social networks. EHI processes Customer Personal Data for this purpose on the basis of its legitimate interests in conducting such marketing, when these interests are not overridden by the Customer’s – and any applicable additional Authorised Drivers’ – data protection rights but, where required, will seek the Customer consent to do so at the time of data collection; and
  • compile statistics and analysis about the Customer – and any applicable additional Authorised Drivers’ –  use of EHI products and services, including statistics based on anonymized data, which enable EHI to provide the Customer and other customers in the future with better customer service, products, features and functionalities. 

EHI participates in and is responsible for the processing of personal data received under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. For more information regarding EHI’s data transfer compliance or if the Customer has an unresolved privacy or data use concern that EHI has not addressed to the Customer’s satisfaction, please see EHI’s Privacy Policy to find out more information on how to contact EHI’s third party dispute resolution provider.

3. Both Guerin and EHI retain Customer Personal Data for commercially reasonable periods of time or in accordance with specific laws or policies. Information collected for a specified purpose will only be used for that purpose and, after a reasonable period of time, will no longer be actively stored when that purpose has been fulfilled. Inactive data may, however, continue to be used for statistical, marketing, archiving, and other analytical purposes. 

4. The Customer has the right to: (i) access and port his personal data (including in certain cases in a commonly used, machine readable format); (ii) have his personal data rectified (where it is inaccurate or incomplete), (iii) have his personal data erased where Guerin or EHI no longer has any legitimate reasons to process it; (iv) have his personal data restricted; (v) object to Guerin or EHI’s processing of his personal data in certain circumstances; and (vi) lodge a complaint with the applicable supervisory authority. 

5. If the Customer has any queries in relation to the above use of his Customer Personal Data, he should contact Guerin in the first instance by using the following e-mail: (for further details please see Guerin’s Privacy Policy at


Guerin cannot be held liable for any loss or damage incurred by the Customer, except in the event of wilful or seriously negligent conduct.


Minimum age
The minimum age for driving a Xtracars vehicle is 21 years, with the exception of vehicles in groups G, H, L, N and O, where a minimum age of 25 is required.
Young drivers
All drivers with a driving license for more than 1 year but under the age of 21 can drive a Xtracars vehicle, subject to the payment of a daily supplement up to a maximum of 10 days per rental, which is only applicable for MI, C, E, E1 and SM.
Maximum age
There is no maximum age to drive a Xtracars vehicle, as long as the driving license is valid and meets all requirements.
Only the driver identified on the reservation and rental contract can drive the Xtracars vehicle. For each additional driver a supplement will be added per day up to a maximum of 10 days per rental.
If there is a previous reservation in favor of the main driver for the same period of time, a new reservation cannot be made, except in cases where a previous reservation is canceled.
Out of hours
Deliveries and collections outside the normal operating hours of Xtracars stations at airports are subject to availability and confirmation by the Reservations Center. An additional supplement will be charged per service.
Free Sale/Stop Sale
The "free sale" regime is valid for the rental of vehicles from groups MI, C, E, E1, SUM, SUC, J, J1 and F.
Reservations for other vehicle groups will be subject to availability and confirmation by the Reservations Center within 24 hours (on working days).
Whenever Xtracars determines, the "Stop Sale" regime will be sent the respective information in advance by email and the sale of vehicles will be blocked on the B2B and webservice channels. Until this information is sent, all reservations received will be honored.
Special vehicles
Special vehicle rental is considered to be the rental of commercial vehicles and / or intended for the exercise of the Client / Driver's professional activity. For example, refer to the cases in which the Client intends to make "changes at home" and "cargo transportation", or the cases in which the vehicle is in professional practice. groups C1, Q, N, G, O, L, H, Z, 02, 02L, 03, 04 and 05 it is necessary to previously preview the availability of such vehicles.
Minimum rental period
The minimum rental period is 1 day.
A rental is counted in 24-hour periods. A 29-minute grace period is granted, after which an extra rental day will be charged at the public rate, as well as the Complementary Products requested at the start of the rental.
Rental contracts cannot exceed 30 days in duration. If the rental is longer than 30 days, a new rental contract must be issued.
Additional days not covered by the rental agreement will be charged at the current public rate.
Booking payment terms
1. Credit Card – You must present the same credit card used for payment, valid and in your name, which will be used for the security deposit*. Prepaid credit cards are not accepted for the security deposit.
2. Debit Card – You will need to present the same debit card used to make the transaction, valid and in your name. Additionally, you must present a credit card, also valid and in your name, for the security deposit*.
3. Virtual Card (ex. MB Way):
You must provide proof of payment in one of the following ways:
- Open the application on your mobile device, showing the transaction
- Presentation of the bank statement proving the movement or proof of the transaction
4. MBWay - Additionally you must present a credit card, also valid and in your name, for the security deposit*.
Terms of payment for the rental:
- Up to 1 month: directly online. The amount is paid in full with the reservation;
- From 1 to 2 months: first monthly fee paid online and other monthly fees paid in person at any Xtracars station.
- 3 months or more: first monthly fee paid online and other monthly fees paid in person or by direct debit (see conditions in the "Security Deposits" section).
Security deposits
All Customers must make a security deposit depending on the deductible and fuel deposit. The deposit is made in the form of authorization to debit the credit card, and its holder must be present at the time of picking up the vehicle.
The pre-authorization includes the value of the fuel, possible damages, additional days, kms, and other extras accepted at the counter.
In the case of customers with direct rental payment, in addition to the above, the rental price will also be included. The conditions under which escrow deposits are made are as follows:
1.      For rentals with a duration equal to or less than 1 month (30 days):
When collecting the car, a credit card in the name of the holder of the reservation will be required for a Security Deposit of €300.00 (free sale) or €600.00 (other groups), depending on the deductible and fuel, which will be returned at the end of the contract.
2.      For rentals of 2 months or more (60 days):
Two deposits will be required:
a)     Security deposit: When collecting the car, a credit card in the name of the holder of the reservation will be required for a Security Deposit of €300.00 (free sale) or €600.00 (other groups), depending on the deductible and fuel, which will be returned at the end of the contract.
b)     Monthly security deposit: Security deposit for the monthly fee. Aims to ensure the value of a monthly fee, in case of non-payment. Compliance with the agreed conditions guarantees the return of the full amount of the deposit at the end of the contract. No credit card required, the deposit is paid simultaneously with the first monthly payment.
3.      For rentals of 3 months or more (90 days):
Direct payments over the counter:
a)     Security deposit: When collecting the car, a credit card in the name of the holder of the reservation will be required for a Security Deposit of €300.00 (free sale) or €600.00 (other groups), depending on the deductible and fuel, which will be returned at the end of the contract.
b)     Monthly security deposit: Security deposit for the monthly fee. Aims to ensure the value of a monthly fee, in case of non-payment. Compliance with the agreed conditions guarantees the return of the full amount of the deposit at the end of the contract. No credit card required, the deposit is paid simultaneously with the first monthly payment.
Direct Debit Payments:
a)     Monthly security deposit: Security deposit for the monthly fee. Aims to ensure the value of a monthly fee, in case of non-payment. Compliance with the agreed conditions guarantees the return of the full amount of the deposit at the end of the contract. No credit card required, the deposit is paid simultaneously with the first monthly payment.

For rentals of 90 days or more, there is the possibility of opening an account and joining Direct Debit. Under these conditions, the need to present a credit card for the security deposit is eliminated, and only the payment of the monthly deposit is requested as a guarantee.
Direct Debit must be requested from our reservations center by filling out and sending a form to the email: . Please note that these requests have a processing time between 48 to 72 hours and must be finalized before picking up the vehicle. The form can be requested by contacting the reservations center, or by downloading it once the payment for the reservation is finalized.
To join direct debit you need a bank account in the European Union. The debit must be made in the name of the contract holder.
Kilometer Limit
All daily rentals are limited to 2000 km per rental.
The monthly rentals have a limit of 1500 km/month and is not cumulative. When this limit is exceeded, € 0.10 per additional km will be charged.
Contract extension
Extensions are always subject to fleet availability and authorization from the Xtracars team. Xtracars reserves the right to refuse any type of extension, and, alternatively, a new reservation may be made, which will be subject to the rate in effect at that time.
 Booking Cancellation
The cancellation of any reservation can be made on our website, by accessing the Customer's personal area, as long as 48 hours in advance are observed.
After this period, the request to cancel the reservation must be made exclusively by e-mail to the Reservations Center (
The following rules apply:
·        Up to 48 hours before the start of the rental, the amount paid is fully refunded to the Client;
·        If the cancellation occurs less than 48 hours before the start of the rental, the request to cancel the reservation must be made by email to the Reservations Center (
o   If the booking refers to a special vehicle (groups subject to booking validation): the amount paid is non-refundable
o   If the reservation does not refer to another vehicle: 50% of the reservation amount is refundable.
Duly substantiated cancellations, such as flight cancellations and other credible personal reasons and/or force majeure, are admissible.
Refund Online reservations
The total or partial refund of amounts paid is only made by the reservations center via e-mail ( or by accessing the customer's personal area on the Xtracars website.

Impossibility of Reimbursement of Online Reservations
Failure to collect a vehicle due to insufficient or invalid documentation or failure to present a valid credit card capable of guaranteeing the deposit amount does not entitle a refund.
Likewise, the failure to present a credit card whose ownership belongs to the main driver determines the cancellation of the reservation, without the Customer being entitled to a refund of the amount already paid.
No Show
If the reservation is not canceled and the customer does not show up within 24 hours after the initial date and time to pick up the vehicle, he is not entitled to any refund, considering the reservation canceled.

Refund of unused days
For reservations up to 1 month, there is no refund for days paid and not used, and there may only be a refund of the amount related to extra products purchased at the rental counter.
For bookings longer than 1 month, early delivery conditions apply.
Early deliveries

Reservations up to 30 days: Advances in the return of the vehicle are non-refundable. If the vehicle is returned before the contracted period, the total number of days in the contract will always be charged.
Reservations longer than 30 days: Advances in the return of the vehicle are subject to adjustment of the value according to the actual number of days of use. If the vehicle is returned before the contracted period, the rate corresponding to the total number of days of use will always be applied.
The values ​​practiced are the same as those valid at the beginning of the contract, only the value adjustment is made. This adjustment may result in a charge or refund, depending only on the difference in the daily rate between the number of days initially contracted and the number of actual days of use. For information, at the time of booking, an email is sent with a record of the daily and monthly values ​​charged for the different durations of the contract.

All rentals are billed on the full day of use at the rate in effect at the start of the rental. Our rates vary according to the group, type of rental and duration.
Prices are subject to change without advance notice.